
10 May 2023

LiepU students participate in the XX Student Scientific Symposium at Lithuania Business College

Liepaja University bachelor level study program's "Business Management" students took part in the student scientific methodological symposium “Academic Objectives of Youth: Insights into Economics, Management, Law and Technology 2023”, which took place at Lithuania Business College on 5th May 2023.

LiepU Faculty of Management and Social Sciences Lecturer Dzeina Kleina says: “Intensive work throughout the semester by close cooperation, supporting and learning, today results with the very first international scientific articles of my students. One of the favorite part of my job is being very deeply in the process and seeing people's progress. Thanks to my students for every moment when you were open to listen, learn and work hand in hand! I am very proud. Liepaja University is excellently represented today - 1st place!"

The aim of the symposium is to stimulate the interest of young people in economic, management and technological innovations, to develop the competencies of student researchers.