Immigration and visas

Citizens of other countries (A)

If you are a citizen of one of the following countries (A) you may enter the Republic of Latvia without a visa and reside for 90 days within a 6 months period. If duration of your stay will exceed 90 days, you will need a residence permit.


Before the submission of the documents for a residence permit, within a month after your arrival, Liepaja University will approve an invitation at the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs Foreigners Service Centre (OCMA).


After the call has been confirmed, you should submit the following documents to the OCMA by presenting a valid travel document:

·definite sample form for a residence permit request;


·statement on fluorography or x-ray examining results;

·document confirming the necessary subsistence (5500 USD / 4000 EUR)

·document confirming the envisaged place of residence in the Republic of Latvia and the rights to stay there – Student Hostel Rent Agreement;

·document confirming the state duty payment;

·Study Agreement/proof of acceptance (provided by Liepaja University);

·documents confirming that you have acquired the necessary education to start the studies (to be legalized).


The documents for your residence permit application can be submitted in Latvian, English, French, Russian or German. Unless there are international agreements in force that provide for a different procedure, all documents issued in other countries have to be legalized.