Leisure Activities

Students Council

Liepaja University Student council is a student-focused organization which represents the rights and benefits of Liepaja University students. The Student Council delegates its members to the Liepaja University Senate, Faculty Councils and many other institutions and authorities, as well as the Student Union of Latvia and The Liepaja City Council Youth Commission. 

The organization is composed of 15 elected members and many activists. The work is organized by a board chairman, a vice-chairman, asecretary and the heads of 9 departments – Culture, Sports, Public Relations, External Relations, Social, Environmental, Financial and Academic. 

The main fields of activity are cultural, academic, social issues and sports. Among other social and academic activities, the Student Council organizes traditional events as freshmen “initiation” and freshmen party for 1st year students, Christmas Ball and Spring Ball, Blood donation days, Charity events, The Big Cleanup etc. Every year students have new ideas and initiatives such as the grand event “Dance with the lecturer”, LiepU Student Council Year Award ceremony, ECO day. 

The Student Council also is responsible for the “Buddy system”, through which local students are the first Latvian friend and contact person for incoming international student and help them to fit in the university and the town of Liepaja. They cooperate with other departments of Liepaja University and participate in organizing such events as Health Day, Informational Days and many others.

The Student Council is open for new ideas and ways how to enrich life at Liepaja University for students and personnel and welcomes active students to join them and together make the university a better place for everyone. The Student Council is a place for gaining new experience, knowledge and skills as well as making new friends and having a wonderful study time!  




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Facebook: Liepājas Universitātes studentu padome