
Higher Education Export Association

Higher Education Export Association (Augstākās izglītības eksporta apvienība) is a consortium of Latvian Universities with the aim to enhance the awareness of Latvia as a study destination by offering high quality training, studies and research and to initiate and implement different international programmes and cooperation projects in the field of training, education and research.

Liepaja University is a member of Higher Education Export Association.


Services and activities:

  • Provision of information on training, studies and research in Latvia
  • Development of cooperation between Latvian higher education institutions and institutions abroad
  • Dissemination of information on training, studies and research across the globe using different information distribution channels (universities seminars, visits, social media, media)
  • Promotion of student and staff mobility
  • Provision of training to educational agencies promoting studies in Latvia
  • Provision of entrance exams for studies at Latvian higher education institutions across the globe